
How To Determine The Size Of A Star

Measuring the Stars
Giants, Dwarfs, and the Principal Sequence
October xvi, 2016
Astronomy 122
Prof. J. Brau


  • The Distances to the Stars
    • (see also Extending the Cosmic Distance Scale)
  • Stellar Motion
  • Stellar Sizes
  • Luminosity and Brightness
  • Temperature and Color
  • The Classification of Stars
  • The Hertzsprung-Russell Diagram
  • Extending the Cosmic Distance Calibration
  • Luminosity Classes
  • Stellar Mass
  • Stellar Lifetime
  • Central Backdrop of Some Well-Known Stars
  • Star Clusters
  • Summary of Star Measures

    The Distances to the Stars

    Stellar Motion

    • Stars are moving and the motility across the sky, subsequently correction for parallax, is called proper motion
    • The largest known proper movement of any star is that of Barnard'southward star (227 arc-seconds in 22 years)
    • The true space motion is the combination of the transverse (proper) move and the radial motion, adamant from the Doppler shift of the stellar lines.

    Stellar Sizes

    • Most stars announced as points of lite, so their sizes cannot exist straight measured
      • Even so, for a few we measure the size direct: Betelgeuse
        • Betelgeuse is located in the constellation Orion

    • for well-nigh we must use indirect means (temperature and brightness)
      • Consider a "hot star" with surface temperature 30,000 K,
        and a "cool star" with surface temperature 3,000 K
        • place these stars from the peak of their blackbody curves
      • These stars take names:
        • Type O : thirty,000 K
        • Type 1000 : 3,000 G
      • What are their luminosities?
        • We meet this from a plot of the "main sequence" of the Hertzsprung-Russell Diagram
        • So the Type O star is 1010 times every bit bright every bit a Type M star
      • How does this compare to our expectations from Blackbody Theory?
        • Stefan-Boltzmann Law says the energy emitted per unit of measurement area is proportional to Tiv
          or emission per unit surface area from type O (30,000K) should exceed type M (iii,000K) by:
          104 = 10,000
          only not past ten10 = x,000,000,000 that we observe
          we have an extra factor of 1,000,000 = 10half-dozen
      • So why are type O stars and so much brighter?
        • Because blazon O are as well much bigger
        Total brightness is proportional to
        Area x T4, not but T4
            or Luminosity ~ (Radius) 2 x Tiv

      • So the extra factor of 1,000,000 = tenhalf-dozen
        represents an increased expanse, or a radius increment of i,000
        that is, type O has a radius 1000 times the radius of blazon M
        The to a higher place equation can be rearranged to derive an equation for the radius:
        (Radius)two ~ Luminosity / T four


        Radius ~ SQRT(Luminosity) / T 2

      • look once again at the radius trends on the plot of the "chief sequence" of the Hertzsprung-Russell Diagram
      • Stellar Sizes
      • Stars tin can be classified by their size
        • Giants (ten-100 times the Dominicus'due south radius)
        • Supergiants (100-yard times the Sun'due south radius)
        • Dwarf (comparable to or smaller than the Sunday)

    Luminosity and Effulgence

      Total rate at which radiative energy is given off by a celestial body

      The effulgence that the star appears to have to an observer on the Earth
      • This depends on how far away the object is by the changed-foursquare police:
      • Knowing Brightness and Altitude, we can make up one's mind Luminosity
      • Brightness ~ luminosity / distance 2
      • Often expressed relative to the lord's day's luminosity (LSUN).

      Measure of Effulgence
      Apparent magnitude:
      Greeks (Hipparchus) established scale called Credible magnitude
      Credible magnitude is a measure out of Effulgence
      • Brightest stars visible to unaided eye = Magnitude 1
      • Dimmest stars visible to unaided center = Magnitude vi
        • This is a logarithmic calibration
      • Measurements testify 1st magnitude stars are 100x as brilliant as 6th magnitude stars.
      • So, a Magnitude deviation of ane corresponds to a gene of 2.51 in effulgence.
        • or (two.51)5 = 100

      Absolute Magnitude:
      Apparent magnitude a star would accept if it were exactly x parsecs from the Earth.
      Accented Magnitude = Luminosity, although in different units.

      Luminosity and Brightness of the Sun

      • Sun'southward Brightness = 1370 Watts/yardii
      • Sun's Distance (d) = one.5 10 10elevenm
      • Therefore, Area of Sphere is 4 (pi) dtwo
        = iv (pi) (1.5 10 10elevenm)2
        = 3 10 1023 m2
      • Luminosity= (1370 Watts/m2)(three x x23 grand2)
        = iv ten 1026 Watts

        At a distance of 10 parsecs the Sun would be a magnitude iv.83 star
        So the Absolute Magnitude of the Sunday is four.83

      Another example: Sirius:
      Brightest Star in the Heaven
      • Credible Magnitude = -1.44
      • Distance
        • parallax = 0.38 arcsec
        • distance (d) = i/parallax = ii.5 parsec
      • 3.26 ly in a parsec
      • So, d = 8.6 ly (=two.5 x 3.26)
      • Luminosity= 22 x Llord's day
        and Absolute Magnitude is ane.45

        equally shown in the textbook

        Sun has absolute magnitude four.83
        Sirius has absolute magnitude 1.45

        two.51iv.83-1.45 = 22
        or Sirius has 22 times the Luminosity of the Sunday

    Temperature and Color

    Star'south Surface Temperature
    Our understanding of Blackbody Radiations explains why star's colour is related to surface temperature.
    Colors of Betelgeuse and Rigel in Orion are clearly cerise and blue
    B (blueish) and 5 (visual) filters admit different amounts of light for different temperatures
    The color alphabetize, relating the B and Five intensities, is defined in two ways
    • ratio of B to V (B/5)
    • deviation between B and 5 (B-Five)
    • relationship between color index and temperature
      • a blood-red star has a surface temperature of about 3,000 K
      • a blue star has a surface temperature of about xx,000 K
    Star's absorption spectrum is also indicative of the surface temperature.
    • Ionization land of atoms depends on temperature
    • Energy of light (and therefore absorption) depends on temperature

    The Nomenclature of Stars

    Star's Absorption Spectrum
    Used to allocate Stars (according to Spectral Class)

    Mnemonic for O B A F G Chiliad K :

      Oh, Be A Fine Guy (Daughter), Kiss Me

    Types of Spectra
    Hydrogen Lines Strongest in A spectra
    Molecular Lines Strongest in M spectra
    Neutral Metals Strongest in G,K, and One thousand
    Neutral Helium Strongest in B
    Ionized Helium Strongest in O

    The spectral class matches with surface temperature

    Each lettered spectral class is further sub-divided in x subdivisions, denoted by 0-9

    • so, for example:
      • The Dominicus is G2,
      • Betelgeuse is M2,
      • and Barnard'southward star is M5

    The Hertzsprung-Russell Diagram

    Extending the Cosmic Distance Scale

    Luminosity Classes

    Merely distances to stars on the main-sequence can be correctly determined past the simple procedure outlined above under spectroscopic parallax
      since nine out of 10 stars are on the main-sequence, this is already pretty skilful

    Can we distinguish stars that are off the primary-sequence by their spectra?

    Technical Deviation in Spectra of Aforementioned Spectral Class based on the width of lines

    width of lines determine luminosity classes Ia-5

    So at present we have a third characterization for a star:
    • The Dominicus is G2V, 5 beingness the stellar luminosity grade for the main-sequence.
    • Betelgeuse is M2Ia

    An case of the discrimination between K2-type stars is illustrated in the following table:

    Stellar Mass

    Stellar Masses and Binary Stars
    Most stars are office of a multiple star organization
    • Visual Binary - Run across Orbiting Stars - double star Kruger lx
    • Spectroscopic Binary - Spectrum reveals binary nature thru Doppler Event
    • Eclipsing Binary - Lite curve shape
    From these measurements we tin learn about masses:
    • For visual binary use Kepler's law to deduce masses:
      • M1 + M2 ~ a3 /p2
          a = semimajor axis = radius for circular orbit
          p = menstruum of orbit
        • Annotation: I don't look you lot to know this formula, just that there is a human relationship between the mass, the flow, and the size (semimajor axis) of the orbit
    • For other binaries, some information on orbits and masses can exist derived
    • Nigh of our cognition of the masses of stars is based on these binary measurements

    Example binary star: Sirius (the brightest star in the heaven)
    • vivid Sirius A and faint companion Sirius B
    • orbital period = 50 years
    • semi-major centrality = 20 AU
    • GrandA + MB = 3.ii Chiliadsun
    • farther study reveals:
      • MA = two.i Mlord's day
      • MB = 1.1 Grandsunday

    Stellar properites depend on the mass
    • variation of mass forth the principal sequence

    The mass of the star at the time of germination determines its location on the main sequence.

    Master sequence stars range in mass from 0.1 to 20 times the mass of the Sunday (with a few exceptions)

    Near principal-sequence stars are low-mass stars, and only a small fraction are much more massive than the Lord's day

    The main-sequence star's radius and luminosity depend on its mass

    • mass-radius relation for main sequence stars
    • mass-luminosity relation for principal sequence stars
      • luminosity ~ mass3 or mass4 (judge)

    Stellar Lifetimes

    • Luminosity increases as (Mass) three for massive main-sequence stars
      and (Mass) 4 for more mutual main-sequence stars
          reference to details by Nick Strobel
    • Full fuel to fire in star is the mass
    • Therefore:
      ............. More massive stars fire up fastest and have shortest lives
      • and since the luminosity increases equally the cube of the mass for the almost massive stars:

      • (these are only approximate relationships)

    Central Properties of Some Well-Known Stars

    H-R diagram of some well-known stars

    Star Clusters

    Star clusters are a collection of stars at approximately the aforementioned altitude from u.s.a., so they can be compared without correcting the brightness to absolute brightness (or we don't need to know how far away they are to compare them)
    Open (or Galactic) Clusters
    a loose association of young stars - metal-rich
    Example: The Pleiades:
    • we assume these stars were formed around the same time
    • O type stars are withal on the main-sequence, therefore this cluster is younger than lifetime of O type stars: 25 million years
    • heavy elements are abundant in these stars
      • metallic-rich
      • created by earlier stars

    H-R Diagram for the Pleiades

    Globular Clusters
    large spherical clusters of stars- metal-poor
    Instance: Omega Centauri
    • again, we presume these stars were formed around the same time
    • no O or B type stars
    • no main-sequence stars with masses greater than 0.8 solar masses
      • A type stars are passing back through the main-sequence
    • few heavy elements are institute in these stars
      • metal-poor
      • so stars were created in afar by, when heavy elements were less abundant
    • We can conclude that this (and other) globular cluster was formed over x billion years ago
      • recall lifetime of the Sun volition be 10 billion years, and if information technology had formed with this cluster is would have been extinguished by now, every bit seen on the H-R diagram

    H-R Diagram for Omega Centauri

    • Open clusters are of recent (last billion years) origin
    • Globular clusters are very old (more than ten billion years)

    Summary of Star Measures

These lecture notes were developed for Astronomy 122 by Professor James Brau, who holds the copyright. They are made bachelor for personal apply past students of the course and may not be distributed or reproduced for commercial purposes without my express written consent.

How To Determine The Size Of A Star,


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